Start Collecting amiibo with this handy app

Just a quick one today. Been busy all week with a new 3d project. Trying to create some custom 3d printed amiibo for fun of course. I have been manually keeping track of my amiibo in a database. It's not been fun and has of course taken some time.

Due to this problem I decided to look online for a simple solution to my problem. I tried a few apps online all claimed to be something they were not. I was disappointed to say the least. Then I stumbled across an app called amiibo master. At first I thought it was kinda funny you know pokemon master, even the logo looked a tiny bit similar to a pokeball.

Simple in layout and easy to use. I could create my own list and wish-list without any problems. But the main benefit of this app was that it actually scans amiibo and amiibo cards! seriously what's not to love about that? I just started scanning and saving my amiibo! now I have a full list of what I own it's great.

Just make sure you have an android device and your phone supports NFC and you will be able to scan and create your very own collection list.

Only one minor problem no share, or search function! If there was id give it 5 stars!


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